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Award winning composer, multi-instrumentalist, engineer and producer, Robert Slap is a native of Detroit, Michigan. His music spans a wide spectrum of styles that include blues, rock, new age, jazz and film music. Slap has worked as a producer, engineer, artist and music director over the course of his 50+ year career. His music has been featured on radio, TV shows, movie soundtracks/trailers, videos and documentaries. Slap has several music libraries that he works with as well as releasing singles as a recording artist through streaming outlets. Guitar is his primary instrument, but he dabbles on the keyboards, harmonica and percussion and has a group of studio musicians working remotely to add authenticity to his musical creations. He completed the Certificate for Film Scoring Program at UCLA and has studied with award winning composers Gerald Fried (Roots), Hans Zimmer and Mark Waters. He also holds a B.S. degree in Computer Technology and Programming. Producing, composing and arrangements are his strentgths and he likes to collaberate with other artists to expand his repertoire.
His philosophy is: "Music is created to generate an emotional response, and life is a tapestry of ever-changing moods, colors, textures, and emotion. Music reflects life, touching our souls' strings, pulling into the open our feelings with passion. It is the only medium through which I can truly express my innermost feelings, the essence of our being."
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