Alta Vita

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Brief Overview:

  • Client: NR2154
  • Project: Schedoni Modena Launch - Small shop
  • Music Due: ASAP - Deadline is tomorrow, July 26th by 8AM EST

Video Creative: The video is crafted to feel like a short film, highlighting the craftsmanship and luxury synonymous with Italy. It follows our hero, who opens a car trunk to reveal the product, grabs gloves, and sets off driving a classic Italian car. The drive is juxtaposed with the meticulous making of the bag, showcasing the artistry and elegance of Italian craftsmanship. The video aims to evoke the timeless allure and luxury of Italy, much like the product itself.



Song Description:

  • Title: "Alta Vita"
  • Genre: Garage Rock
  • Band: Italian singer and lyrics
  • Splits:
    • Katie - 33% (ASCAP IPI: 1250769742)
    • Joseph Westerfield (ASCAP) - 33% (IPI: 1239756519)
    • Jerry Ware - 33% (BMI)

Lyrics (Italian and English Translation):

Italian: Nella luce dei tuoi occhi, trovo un mare profondo,
Dove perdo la mia mente, e mi sento senza confini.
Le tue mani sul mio corpo, come un fuoco che brucia,
Siamo soli e il mondo scompare.

English Translation: In the light of your eyes, I find a deep sea,
Where I lose my mind and feel without boundaries.
Your hands on my body, like a burning fire,
We are alone, and the world disappears.

Description: "Alta Vita" is a vibrant garage rock track with powerful Italian vocals, embodying the passion and allure of Italian culture. The song captures a moment of intense emotion and connection, aligning perfectly with the narrative of luxury and craftsmanship in the Schedoni Modena Launch video. The raw energy of the garage rock sound, combined with the poetic Italian lyrics, creates an evocative backdrop that enhances the visual storytelling of the film.

Please let us know if there are any additional requirements or adjustments needed. We look forward to your feedback and are excited about the opportunity to collaborate on this project.

Best regards,



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