Savage Faction

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Co writer - Juli Hope

BMI - IPI# 01236581452




Verse 1:

Can you feel the pressure?

There's a tightness in my chest

My blood is pumping so hard

It's cardiac arrest

There's a shock to my system

static electricity

I'm ready to shake this place

You'd better watch out for me

(You'd better watch out for me)



Gonna turn off the lights!

Party (un)'til I'm feeling right!

We're gonna own the night!

Me and my Savage Faction!

Let's have another round!

Then we're gonna shake the ground!

Gonna make a rumble sound!

With my Savage Faction

(Turn up the volume)


Verse 2:

Can you see us waving

our hands up in the air?

Tonight we're gonna bang our heads

Come join us if you dare

It's getting hotter in the room

One Hundred plus degrees

I'm ready to rock this place

You'd better watch out for me

(You'd better watch out for me)



Gonna turn off the lights!

Party (un)'til I'm feeling right!

We're gonna own the night!

Me and my Savage Faction!

Let's have another round!

Then we're gonna shake the ground!

Gonna make a rumble sound!

With my Savage Faction




Gonna turn off the lights!

Party (un)'til I'm feeling right!

We're gonna own the night!

Me and my Savage Faction!

Let's have another round!

Then we're gonna shake the ground!

Gonna make a rumble sound!

With my Savage Faction


Facción salvaje

Verse 1:

Sientes la tensión?

Mi pecho va a estallar 

La sangre fluye rápido

Mi corazón se acelera.

Mi cuerpo entra en shock

Siento la electricidad 

Estoy lista para todo 

Mantén tus ojos en mi! (X2)



Las luces se apagan ya

Esta fiesta no se acabará 

La noche nuestra será  

Somos imparables 

Vamos! Una ronda más!

Les enseñaré a rockear

El suelo retumbará

Somos indomables



No sabemos de cansancio,

Hoy no vamos a parar

Esta noche es nuestra,

Nos puedes alcanzar?

Sube la temperatura 

Cada hora más y más

Estoy lis

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